
March – April 2020 Survey on Newsletters

To be entered into the raffle for a gift card, please complete this Survey.  The winner will be announced in the May edition of the Green Marble.  This Survey is being featured in the March C&M Update, April Green Marble, and April C&M Update.  Entries must be received by midnight, Friday, April 10th. 

We are considering making major changes to our newsletters – “The Green Marble” and “C&M Update”.  Please offer your constructive, frank answers in this survey.  Your survey will be placed in a basket and one winner will be drawn at random to receive a gift card.  Your opinion is highly valued.

General Question:  If your survey is drawn as the winner, would you furnish a head shot photo for publication designating you as the winner of this Survey in our various forms of media (i.e., Facebook, Newsletters, and Website)?  We would only publish your name and Association or Management Company (if you are a manager) within three business days of being notified you are the winner.   The furnishing of a photo is not a requirement to win this drawing.

Newsletter Preference

What is your preferred media format to read our newsletter (or another companies’ newsletters):

Vote for a New Format for Our Newsletter

We are considering several exciting new formats for our newsletters. Please tell us which version would be your preference?

Desired Frequency of Newsletter

Please be honest as we are earnestly looking for constructive criticism. We will not be offended by your answer. Do you read our newsletter in its entirety each time?

How much is too much?

Currently, we feature two newsletters a month. At what frequency below is too much for you?

Suggestions for New Features?