
Vote for the Best of 2021!

It’s time to vote for the best of our 2021 Webinars!  Here’s your chance to vote for your favorites of 2021 and to give us your thoughts about what webinars, if any, we will host in 2022.  Complete the Survey in its entirety with your favorites and hit submit.  Surveys will be placed in a random drawing for a $50 Visa Gift (will come in handy with the holidays coming up) and other thank you for submitting gifts.  Get your survey in now.  Polls close on Thursday, December 23, 2021, at 11:59 p.m.  Winners will be announced in the January issue of CM Update.

What was your favorite elective webinar (does not include board certification classes) of 2021 that you viewed?  Listed below are the live webinars we presented in 2021. Please list your top three favorite programs placing a 1 in your favorite program, 2 for your 2nd favorite program, 3 for your third favorite program, and so on.  Please only rate classes you viewed.

What was your favorite Board Certification Class?

Favorite Board Cert

What was your favorite Sponsor Webinar Program (select one)?

Favorite Sponsor Program

Which of our speakers jumped off the screen and was informative and entertaining holding your attention?

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